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Cross-display mouse pointer navigation

Multi-display environments combine displays of various form factors into a common interaction space. Cross-display navigation techniques have to provide transitions to move the mouse pointer across display boundaries to reach distant display locations. A spatially consistent description of display relationships thereby supports fluid cross-display navigation.
We implemented and evaluated spatially consistent navigation techniques for seamless cross-display navigation in multi-user multi-display environments. These navigation techniques are automatically configured from a spatial model of the environment, which is generated in a camera-assisted calibration step.

Insititution: Graz University of Technology
Link: http://www.studierstube.org/deskotheque
Year: 2009 - 2010


Manuela Waldner, Ernst Kruijff, Dieter Schmalstieg
Bridging Gaps with Pointer Warping in Multi-Display Environments
In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2010)
pages 813-816
October 2010
paper [PDF - 0.2 MB]

Manuela Waldner, Dieter Schmalstieg
Experiences with Mouse Control in Multi-Display Environments
In Proceedings of Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces 2010 (PPD 2010), in conjunction with AVI conference
pages 6-10
May 2010
paper [PDF - 1.9 MB]

Manuela Waldner, Christian Pirchheim, Ernst Kruijff, Dieter Schmalstieg
Automatic configuration of spatially consistent mouse pointer navigation in multi-display environments
In Proceeding of the 14th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (IUI 2010)
pages 397-400
February 2010
paper [PDF - 0.2 MB]


Path navigation

Path navigation virtually connects closest adjacent edge portions. The mouse pointer can traverse to the adjacent displays by crossing color-coded display edge intervals.

Free navigation

Free navigation provides a mouse pointer navigation frame as perceived from the user's perspective. The user positions and viewing angles are estimated from the associated "home" display locations.

World-in-miniature control

The world-in-miniature control shows the 3D model of the environment textured with live desktop content. The view is initialized from the estimated user location. Mouse input can be redirected by clicking the desired target location in the miniature view.

Project List

Manuela Waldner 2004 - 2011